UBS Product Information

UBS Brochure UBS
The Local Billing Solution

Innovative Software would like to introduce you to UBS, the most flexible and modern utility billing software on the market today.

UBS is easy to use and comprehensive in scope, and operates on all Microsoft supported Windows® platforms and Novell Netware and offers the following features:

  • Easy entry of meter readings
  • ACH debiting of payer’s bank accounts
  • Easy to use setup wizards to guide you step by step to add payers, addresses, accounts, utilities and more
  • Creation of an unlimited number of utility accounts with an unlimited number of rates per utility
  • Interfacing capabilities with electronic meters
  • Ability to import electronic payments, and export data and summary financial information to other applications
  • Print bills and notices on your current forms or easily create new form layouts
  • Creation and storage of mail merge type letters
  • An ad-hoc report generator
  • The power of an SQL compliant database

Check out the UBS brochure for all the details. If you cannot view .pdf files, click here to download Adobe Reader.

If you have any questions, or would like a quote please contact us.