Is source code available?

Source code will be made available to you in the unlikely circumstance that ISSI ceases operations.  Provisions have been made to place the source code in escrow.  Complete details on this subject are included as part of our contracts.

Our municipality provides multiple services. Can we put them on a single bill?

UBS allows you to combine all of the services that you provide onto a single bill.  In addition, you can set your business rules to manage each service individually or collectively.

Does your system allow us to perform budget billing?

Budget billing can be instituted at any time in UBS.  Information contained within the system will allow you to provide budget billing for your customers with little effort.

What electronic meter systems does your system work with?

UBS will work with virtually any meter system currently on the market including Sensus, Neptune, Badger and a host of others.  Since electronic meters are a configurable setup in UBS, a new or different meter configuration can be established easily and quickly.   Contact us to find out if we’ve already worked with your current meter system.

Does your system allow us to track our meter inventory?

A key component of UBS is the inventory tracking system.  Inventory, critical inspection dates, service dates and other features are included as part of the standard UBS package.

Does your system allow us to produce work orders?

A work order system is included as part of the standard UBS package that will enhance the service to your customers while greatly reducing the effort for your organization.

What types of services will your software support?

Our UBS system can handle virtually any type of service that your organization bills for including water, sewer, electricity, refuse, cable, and internet services.

Can I accept credit cards through your software?

Multiple payment methods, including credit cards, are supported.  With our UBill Advance product offering, your customers can receive emails to receive their bills, statements and pay instantly with their credit card.

Can I send a utility bill to the customer and the landlord?

Yes.  The system can be set to send bills or shutoff notices or both to multiple locations such as other family members.

Can a customer view their utility bill online?

Your customers can see their bills with our UBill Advance product. UBill Advance can send a customer’s bill by email, view the bill and make their payment all from the same screen. Your customers can view their bills at any time saving your organization time and providing better service for your customers.